Elevate your public speaking skills to an extraordinary level


  How to Deliver

Sensational Speeches


A book by

Alan Stevens & Paul du Toit

(Revised Edition)


“An enlightening blend of clear explanation and sound practical advice.”

~ Professor David Crystal, Author of the Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language


It takes knowledge and expertise to prepare and deliver a truly memorable speech. Even the greatest speeches require meticulous preparation, rehearsal and smooth delivery. For thousands of years iconic speeches have shaped our world. It takes a decision and dedication to craft something special. Fortunately, speech making is a skill that anyone can learn.


Ever wondered what separates a good talk from an exceptional speech? We have the answers. Available resources include:


Our revised edition has the tips and advice you need to create and deliver sensational speeches. Print version is in hard cover. Available electronically in Kindle, ePub and PDF formats. Published in 2021.



Learn how to plan, structure and deliver sensational speeches with energy and passion. Delivered in person or via Zoom. Practical, informative and life changing. Click below for upcoming dates.


A one to three day experience, working with the authors personally or in small groups. Offered online or in-person.


The Exceptional Speaker (revised edition – 2021) is a comprehensive compilation of speaking tips, strategies and best practices by Global Speaking Fellows Alan Stevens and Paul du Toit. The authors have a spectrum of coaching and guiding initiatives to help you attain your speaking goals.  


Alan Stevens has been speaking internationally for over forty years.  He is also an author of a number of books on communication and has received many awards for his service to the speaking profession… 

Alan Stevens


Alan Stevens, FPSA


Paul du Toit is a Certified Speaking Professional, presentation skills coach and author of “Your Can Present with Confidence”.  He is one of Southern Africa’s most decorated speakers…

Paul du Toit


Paul du Toit, CSP


“The Revised Edition of this book horrifies me even more than the first edition. Presentation is meant to be something dark and mysterious. Material this value should not be given away in such a compellingly entertaining and practical way. I was particularly appalled by their odiously clever and comprehensive insight into the new challenge of Virtual Presenting. I therefore flatly refuse to give a testimonial quote for this wicked publication. Because its very existence might put me out of business.”

Graham Davies FPSA, PSAE, International Speaker and author of The Presentation Coach: Bare Knuckle Brilliance For Every Presenter

With less and less time in our lives, what we read must add value. It must be practical. We must be able to use something from it. This book satisfies all three criteria.

Clive Simpkins, Marketing and Communications Strategist

As a speaker on the global circuit, I have seen a wide range of styles and presentations. Alan and Paul’s book is not only a must-read for professional speakers but for anyone who wants to improve their speaking. Packed with tips, useful stories and examples, the book finally captures and shares what it takes to be an Exceptional Speaker.

Robin Speculand, Bridges Business Consultancy Int.

I delivered my speech at the festival of female entrepreneurs today and got a standing ovation. So glad I came on your Masterclass, it really helped me to focus and take my speaking more seriously.”

Julie Creffield

One of my books had a rather ambitious subtitle: “All you need to know about making speeches and presentations.” After reading this one, however, I realise that I hadn’t got it quite right. This book shows that there’s a good deal more to successful speaking and does so in a very informative and well-written way. Read, mark, learn and put their lessons into practice and you too can become an exceptional speaker.

Professor Max Atkinson, Author of "Lend Me Your Ears"


To be fair, if there are rules as far as presenting is concerned, they’ve developed …

You’re about to speak to a group and you’re offered a microphone. Strangely, many people …

One of the key differentiators between speakers is the way they utilise space. That’s one …