Calling the next generation of exceptional speakers…

The Exceptional Speaker Masterclass

This is where the theory is converted into practical action – an opportunity to test your skills to a real listening audience.

If you want to know exactly how to: –


You can be an exceptional speaker soon                 – with our help!

An exceptional speech never, ever happens by accident, even though it may appear so. It is always the result of planning, a delicate combination of trial and error, intensive coaching and ultimately experience. Just as exceptional sports people always have a great coach close at hand, so too do exceptional speakers.

Great speeches may be written in just a few days – but the delivery is ultimately what makes them great. That ability may take years of experience to hone – but now you can expedite this learning curve significantly. If you have the message, we’ll help you bring it to life.

Having listened to hundreds of speakers and studied many of the world’s greatest speeches, the workshop facilitators and co-authors, Alan Stevens and Paul du Toit, themselves both decorated professional speakers, have identified exactly what it takes to speak with conviction, clarity and pizzaz.

By gently guiding and coaching you they’re ready to share it with you in The Exceptional Speaker Masterclass

In this powerful one-day session hosted by one or both co-authors  you will learn how to plan, structure and deliver sensational speeches with energy and passion.

But don’t take our word for it – scroll down and listen to as our past delegates share their personal experience of participating in The Exceptional Speaker Masterclass. See our upcoming online schedule below.



Masterclass Introductory Information:

  • There is one in-person Exceptional Speaker public Masterclasses currently scheduled for Cape Town & one in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • The Exceptional Speaker Masterclass is facilitated by co-authors Paul du Toit (RSA) or Alan Stevens (UK) and delivered in-person.
  • Space on each Masterclass is limited to 10 attendees. Places are confirmed upon completion of booking and payment. 
  • Each delegate receives the book The Exceptional Speaker (Revised Edition) – How To Deliver Sensational Speeches.
  • Masterclass standard in-person currency is as per the country of location. At checkout kindly select your currency for the prevailing exchange rate.
  • Online delivery of this Masterclass has been suspended indefinitely.
  • WHAT TO PREPARE: Delegates are requested to prepare and rehearse a 5 minute speech to be delivered to other attendees online.

Exceptional Speaker Masterclass (Johannesburg, South Africa)

Dates:  Tuesday 21 January 2025 – in person 

Masterclass Times: 08h30 – 16h30 (GMT+2 / SAST / CAT) 

Investment (early-bird rate): ZAR4,370 per person includes book & VAT (ZAR3,979 if you already have the book)

Location Information: Time Zone GMT+2

Area: Johannesburg /Pretoria, Southern Africa

Address: The Focus Rooms, Heaton Lane Longlake 20, Modderfontein, Lethabong, Sandton, 1096

Exceptional Speaker Masterclass (Cape Town, South Africa)

Date:  Friday 1 November 2024 – in person 

Times: 08h30-16h30 (GMT+2 / SAST / CAT) 

Investment (early-bird rate): ZAR4,370 per person includes book & VAT (ZAR3,979 without the book)

Location information: Time Zone GMT+2

Areas: Western Cape, Southern Africa (nearest airport Cape Town International)

Address: Vinboho Conference Centre, 28 Uys Krige Drive, Panorama, Cape Town. 

Note your preferred class date & time zone & then…



Important General Notes (applies to all time zones):

  • AVAILABILITY: If we receive your booking for a date that has reached capacity, we will be in touch with you to discuss options.
  • EARLY BOOKING is advised since bookings close 10 calendar days before each event or once full, whichever happens earlier.
  • WHAT TO BRING: Good humour, your good self and a willingness to be in the audience whilst other delegates deliver their 5 minute masterpieces.
  • VENUES: As indicated above. 
  • TOP TIP: Rehearse your 5 minute speech several times using a timer – you’ll be glad you did.
  • EVALUATION: Upon completion of the Masterclass delegates are requested to take 2 minutes to complete the EVALUATION FORM here


Still not sure? View these short YouTube clip testimonials



Alan Stevens has been speaking internationally for over forty years.  He is also an author of a number of books on communication and has received many awards for his service to the speaking profession. He is a past president of the Global Speakers Federation. 

Alan Stevens

Alan Stevens, FPSA


Paul du Toit is a Certified Speaking Professional, presentation skills coach and author of “Your Can Present with Confidence”.  He is the founder of Congruence Training and past president of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa.

Paul du Toit

Paul du Toit, CSP